IKI Krav Maga Instructors Denmark

Rasmus Rothmann

Rasmus Rothmann

Danish army infantry in 2006-2015, have been deployed two time, during my time at the army we have some self-defense.

In 2014 I joined Esbjerg Krav Maga.

In 2019 the head instructor handed the club over to myself and another instructor.

in 2022 I became a Full instructor in MAA-I and was the only instructor at Esbjerg Krav Maga.

2024 – Apprentice instructor IKI Krav Maga

Today I run the Esbjerg Krav Maga, where all is welcome to join us.

Esbjerg Krav Maga

Grådybet 18A,

6700 Esbjerg


Training: Tuesday and Thursday 19:00 – 20:30


Rasmus Rothmann

Phone +45 26850471


Anders Jensen

Unfortunately, dear Anders passed away under tragic circumstances too early in life. We keep his profile here as a tribure and a memory to an excellent martial artist and a dear friend to all of us. He wants walked from Denmark to Norway to participate in a seminar, yes, he walked through the forest, slept in a tent, but he made it to the seminar. He is very much missed by all of us. 

When my home was robbed, Anders decided to renew his membership for a period of 3 years, all to help me out financially. Anders was all heart. Perhaps he was just too good for this world. We miss him. 

Anders has traveled extensively to train with IKI in various parts of Europe.

Anders came to Israel for an intensive two weeks of training including participation in the IKI Tour and Train program.

In September 2015, in Norway, Anders was promoted to an IKI Krav Maga instructor after having fully proven himself.