Impact of Krav Maga

July 4, 2017, Qantas air, Melbourne - Hong Kong

Melbourne airport, Australia, heading towards the gate and I hear, "Moshe Katz!" I only know one person in this part of the world and it is a friend/student who once lived in Maaleh Adumim, what are the odds but here he is right in front of me. He too will be traveling to Hong Kong and then on to Israel. 

I count my blessings,

It has been fifteen years since we trained together in Israel. I never stopped to think that this might have impacted his life. He was working as a barber at the time. And here he is now, a police officer, and he is travelling in the martial arts pants I sold him 15 years ago. We believe in quality products and quality training. 

He still trains in Krav Maga, and said, "You got me started on my path." He still uses the exercise tips Esther gave him when he trained with us back in Maaleh Adumim.  

A chance encounter at the airport makes one think of the value of one's life work. We never quite know what impact we are going to have. As Rabbi Nachman Kahane once said to me, "We plant a seed and hope that the right doses of rain, sun and wind come along."

But we must be careful how we plant this seed. Years later we may, or we may not, see the impact, the full grown tree, but the right word, a little more patience, a little more understanding and tolerance, a little more humility and kindness, can have a huge impact on someone's life. Imagine if we knew the impact we would have on this student, how much more careful we would be. 

When we think of this we are humbled at the thought of the impact we might have, for better or for worse. So when are tired, impatient, frustrated and challenged by life's events, slow down, remember the long term impact you might have on this individual. 

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