Against the Wind
By Moshe Katz, Krav Maga Instructor, Israel

December 12, 2010, Judea, Israel

Here in the Judean desert we get hit by sand storms from time to time. The wind kicks up a real storm, the sand is everywhere; it gets into our houses, into our clothing. There is nothing you can do but weather the storm and wait it out.This has been going on since the days of the Bible.

Before Krav Maga class tonight I decided to take a walk, despite the elements. On the way back up the hill  could feel the wind pushing me back and the sand flying in my face; keep moving, one step at a time. Keep moving forward, there is no other option.

Our home, the Judean desert, happy to share it with the camels, may they always roam free.

In the training area the mats were covered with sand, no one complained, (except for the women in the yoga class that preceded us). The combination of sweat and sand went really well together.

Sometimes that is how life is; you get hit with a sand storm, in your face as we say in Israel. It's all flying in your face, but you have to keep on going, one step at a time; one little step at a time until you pass through the storm. The sand hits your face and your eyes, it burns, you have to squint a bit and cover up, but you keep going. Eventually things calm down.

Yuriko and Ramon from Chile enjoying a quiet day in the Judean desert.

Recently the Tour and Train group left and this always leaves a void in my heart when the groups leave, but one must keep on going. So I armed myself with a cup of coffee, and we had a good class.(and thank you to all those who bring me indigenous coffee from their homelands, much appreciated).

There is always someone who needs training. You keep on going, against the wind. Eventually the wind calms down and you will be happy that you kept going. You don't quit, you just keep on going. Tough times never last, tough people do.

The Jewish people are living proof of this, tough times and tough people. I still see in my mind our neighbor Bluma, hanging the family laundry on the clothes line and her arm tattooed with the numbers from the Nazi concentration camp. She never complained. So remind me what your problem is?

I remember my days in Oyama Karate, back in New York, no sand storms but plenty of snow. I would get up at 5 am to get to the dojo for early class. It would be snowing and freezing outside, part of me said 'stay at home', but the better part said, 'go out in the cold and get to the dojo.'

Looking back I know I made the right choice.

Keep on going, against the wind. All things shall pass but your courage and determination will last forever.

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