Krav Maga Training in Israel

The fastest possible way to improve your Krav Maga training is to come directly to Israel. Over a period of a week or two of intensive training you will learn moves in a way that they will become instinctive to your body and easier to remember and apply.

Tour and Train in Israel

You will also get a feel for the country and the culture that produced Krav Maga, in a way that you could never do from a distance. You can visit the Kotel, the Wall, where thousands of Israeli soldiers have been sworn in. You can walk the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem, shop at the bazaars, hear local music, and eat local foods.

You will be surrounded by soldiers wherever you go, as they are everywhere. You will learn some Hebrew and some Jewish history and you will gain a first hand understanding of our Middle Eastern conflicts.

You will walk where King David walked, you will walk in the footsteps of prophets and warriors.

We will cover knife and gun disarms, striking and grappling, escape from impossible situations, you name it, we can do it.

You can travel to the Dead Sea (The Salt Sea), the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) or the Mediterranean sea. During your free time you can visit the holy cities of Safed or Tiberius or the modern city of Tel Aviv. You can ride a camel or a donkey, or take the bus.

Tour, train, and travel, meet the Israelis who have come here from all over the world after years of dispersion, see the miracle of the dry bones that have come back to life and the desert that has bloomed.

Your personal Krav Maga training will take place in my home town, Maaleh Adumim

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