locomotive knife attack

March 24, 2022, Israel

I heard the news today oh boy, 4 Jews killed in Israel, in the town named for the patriarch Abraham, Beér Sheva: the well of the oath. Three were brutally stabbed to death and another, a rabbi, was run over while riding his bicycle. For years he had run a free dining hall for the poor, but now he was run over by an Arab, killed on the spot. And the blood cries to the heavens. 

The blood of our brethren cries to the heavens and we await answers, but while we are waiting, we must train. We must create our own salvation. We wipe our tears and head out to our Krav Maga class. And yes, we will repeat the same techniques. We will train and improve, so that when our turn comes, we will be ready. 

The police are already warning the public; more violence, in particular knife attacks, are to be expected. With the coming of Ramadan, and the so called National Liberation Day, plus the usual imitation copy-cats of successful terror attacks, violence is predicted to be on the rise. You have been warned.

But what will we see? We shall see people with headphones on, listening to music. We shall see complacent people talking on their phones as they cross the street. We shall see people flipping through social media, because they are bored and need some stimulation. In the army one is trained to observe everything; a change in sound, a leaf dropping, a fly crapping. We need to put the darn cellphone away and learn to listen to our environment, And wait...and observe, and learn the art of people watching.

An old song comes to mind, from my early years, it was 1962; Locomotion, Do the Loco-Motion, you gotta swing your hips now....well I think you got the knack...Chug a chug a motion like a railway train now.  a lot of soul.

Why does that song come to mind? Because here the dance is called Terror and the knife wielding terrorist comes at you like a locomotion. From people I have spoken with, from real-life cases, the pictures emerges more clearly. Forget all fancy dojo stuff, forget all that cool movie disarm crap, stop learning self-defense from movies or You Boob! Get yourself down to the dojo, to the training center. This is reality, he will come at you like a locomotive, he will come at you like like railway train on steroids, he will stab repeatedly and he will not be content until you are dead. I hope I am being clear. This is the lesson from reality. This is how we must train. 

So we use natural body mechanics, we use Body Movement, we learn how to maximize the use of our little and weak bodies because not all of us are built like body builders. And yes, we must put our entire heart and soul into this defense. I will not teach this via a blog, you must join us, you must start by training with us, in person if possible, or at least via DVDs and on line videos, and then in person. Come to a seminar. We have defenses, they do work, we have success stories from all over the world. 

We will teach how to defend against the Locomotion knife attack, with your own locomotion, a little bit of rhythm and a lot of soul, a lot of hips and putting your full body into it. Do the Locomotion with us. 

You are your first line of defense, even if you can afford your own personal body guard that will not always be enough. YOU must become the weapon. We can train you. Your life is in your hands, and God's. 

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