One Person Krav Maga
By Moshe Katz
Israeli Krav International

March 11, 2015, Israel

I was talking with a friend about Krav Maga organizations. He made a correct comment; they all seem to use the words; world, global, international, Europe. He said it appears that all have the goal of conquering the world.

Yes, this is true.

We too have the world International in our name, but I believe it is for a different reason. IKI stands for Israeli Krav International. The name was chosen by two of my mentors. At the time I did not give much thought to the name, but over the years it has grown in meaning.

K is for Krav and the Krav is surrounded by two Is. The first I is Israel; We start with Israel, we start with the Israeli culture, experience and expertise, and we take the K, our Krav Maga, and reach out to the world. We teach the world but we also learn from the world. Each country has its questions, unique situations and challenges. We apply the Israeli method but we gain from these questions and input.

South Africa, Slovakia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, every country has its unique situations. We teach and we learn.

But there are other differences as well. While we do think globally, we also think in terms of one person. We start with one person, and we conclude with one person.

We start with one person, the person standing in front of us, the person who needs our help. We start with Shelly Dadon of blessed memory, we start with any victim of crime or bullying and we think of that one person.

How can we help this one person?

Are our techniques good enough to serve this one person?

We do not start with talk of market shares or how to sell more merchandise, we start with how we can save one person.

Our focus is always on that "one person" and that is what makes our Krav Maga so special. Each individual is an entire world. We may be international, but we are all about the one person, the individual, you! That is why the website was called "Your Krav Maga Expert", from the very start it was all about you, the individual. You are the one.

Shelly Dadon of blessed memory. We can never forget her.

We start with Shelly Dadon, and there are many of her. We start with the individual who needs our help. We do not necessarily look for the super athlete but for the regular person, the one who is not really interested in Krav Maga. It is that one person we need to reach.

We are here for you!

Our Krav Maga was created and is constantly be adapted for just one person, and that person is you.

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