Picture Perfect
By Moshe Katz
Israeli Krav International

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, February 1, 2016

There are moments in life when things come out "picture perfect" but those moments are so rare and far between that we have to label them Picture Perfect.

Those are the moments when everything comes out exactly as planned, or better than planned. Those are the moments when you are playing baseball and you run and jump and catch the ball and someone catches it on camera; picture perfect. 

But that is rare, and if you wait for those moments you can be waiting a lifetime. In real life we cannot expect Picture Perfect. In real life we cannot expect anything close to Picture Perfect, and yet...we must do our best to survive.

That is how I teach and develop Krav Maga. I teach the drills in a picture perfect way but I stress that I am only trying to develop proper habits, proper muscle memory, tools. In reality it is highly unlikely that events will transpire exactly as in the drill. Picture Perfect moments are very rare.

And yet it is important to train properly. It is important to go Slowly at first, and it is important to learn the drills step by step.

In reality, with surprise, fear, adrenaline, rain, snow, sleet, heat..we do not know exactly what will happen, but if we train properly that picture perfect moment might happen, and if not...at least we will have an excellent chance of survival.

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