Comparing Techniques, Lets be fair
By Moshe Katz

Comparing Techniques, Lets be fair

Recently a student of mine in Israel, posed the following question, "I was looking on you tube for Krav Maga techniques and I found quite a few but they are different from what you are teaching us, how come?

There are several ways I could have answered this question.

This is our system, I can't comment on other styles

This answer only displays ignorance.

Perhaps like Mr. Miyagi said in "The Karate Kid", "I teach, you learn, no questions."

Great answer for beginners but what about more experienced practitioners; don't they deserve a more serious response, one that will satisfy them?

I could say, "OK, I will attack you, try that defense. Now you attack me and I will use our defense."

I have had instructors do this to me, but it is not a fair way of evaluating techniques. The teacher is far more experienced than the student; obviously he will make his technique look superior.

My response was as follows: Let's work on both techniques. Let's analyze them logically but more importantly, let's try them out on a fair playing ground.

So I attacked the student and he tried both techniques for himself. Thus he proved to himself that the IKI Krav Maga technique was superior when dealing with a non cooperative aggressor. (The only kind you will meet on the street). I don't want him to take my word for it, I don't want him to be an obedient student who listens to the "Master"; I want him to believe in the technique because he has tried it himself.

We say that when you believe in the technique, you will perform it much better. But how does this happen? First you must practice the technique many many times until you are proficient in it. Then you work on it full force, full speed, and full contact. Once you see that it has proven effective you will gain confidence in the technique. This confidence will cause you to perform the technique with greater confidence and aggression, which in turn makes it a more effective technique.

This is not a marketing gimmick, this is a way to test and prove techniques. If you are confident in your style of Krav Maga you will not be afraid to deal with these types of questions. You will welcome them as an opportunity to explain the uniqueness of your techniques to your students.

A good teacher does not fear intelligent questions.