Krav Maga Police Training


Krav Maga training is perfectly suited for police. Unlike career martial artists, police officers do not have a great deal of time to spare for advanced martial arts training. And yet, they are more likely than anyone to be in a situation where Krav Maga training will be the difference between life and death.

I have worked with police officers in Israel, the USA and all over the world and I have found that while some have a great passion for the martial arts, most have little time or interest, yet, they do want to survive on the street.

That is why we rely only on simple, easy to remember, gross motor moves. Anything else will be a waste of time, and possibly life endangering. Our motto at IKI is, the technique must be "Easy to learn, easy to apply in many different situations, and easy to remember." Otherwise I am wasting your time and endangering your life. 

With Police we must take additional aspects into account that civilian Krav Maga students do not always need. We need to cover weapon retention, hostage situations, suicide bombers, handling domestic violence calls, approaching dangerous persons and dealing with the unfortunate animosity some feel towards law enforcement. All our techniques are drawn from real-life experience and full-contact training.

Police officers often show up for their mandatory Krav Maga classes tired and unmotivated. Lengthy or complex techniques will quickly be lost on them. It is important to incorporate a great deal of scenario training and make it look, feel and sound as close to reality as possible.

We must also deal with multiple attackers, hidden weapons, narrow or confined spaces and poor lighting. 

The techniques must work for officers of all sizes and both genders; we understand that there may be no second chance. The training must be intense yet simple, aggressive yet controlled.

In IKI we are pleased to be able to draw from the police experience of not only our instructors but also from our members, many of whom are police officers or involved in other aspects of law enforcement, prison guards, corrections officers, security guards, bounty hunters, etc. We are constantly reevaluating,  evolving and growing. We are never content. 

We are very clear with our techniques, there are no secrets reserved only for "masters", no hiding of the ugly truth and realty of violence. We never make false claims or exaggerated. We are an open book. Our police community serves and protects us; we owe them our best efforts. 

Therefore, we refuse to teach sport techniques camouflaged as sell-defense, we do not teach tournament techniques, or anything too "impressive", these gimmicks have no place in a serious organization dedicated to self-defense. We owe our best to those who daily put their lives on the line to serve and protect us.

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