High School Krav Maga Program, Elementary School Program

I have a special Krav Maga seminar designed for High School and Elementary school students.

Speaking at Manhattan Day School

There are several elements which can each form a separate seminar or, be included in one session.

The Jewish/Israeli Aspect: This aspect is designed to make the students feel prouder to be Jewish, to connect to their Jewish history on a different level. While they may already be studying the Torah or Jewish history, this will give them a new and exciting way to connect.

Did they know about how our forefathers fought? Do they know that Abraham taught martial arts?

I also incorporate stories from everyday life in Israel. This helps the students connect with the people of Israel and gain insight into the daily lives, challenges and heroism of "ordinary" people.

Advanced TORAH PROGRAM: using mepharshim. This program is designed for those who are familiar with Biblical commentary and understand its relevance. This is appropriate for students in Day Schools or Yeshiva high schools. We look at some of the subtle references to fighting and combat in the Torah, Neviim and Ktuvim.

See Krav Maga Yeshiva

SELF DEFENSE: In all programs we incorporate simple self defense techniques that are easy to learn and apply. The students feel excited to learn techniques actually used by Israeli soldiers and police.

read article by 7th grade student

Israel Government Krav Maga Program for High School and Elementary School

For many years in Israel I was employed by the Ministry of Education to teach a basic Krav Maga program to Israeli school students. Aspects of this program can be included in our American seminars as well.

Safety Awareness: Tips and guidelines for safety.

Practical advice on how not to be a victim. These tips can save your life.

Hands on Training Practical self defense techniques for each age group.

Teachers : Special program available for staff.

My Educational Background,

MBA – Baruch College, New York City

BA – UCLA, California

High School – Hebrew Academy of Nassau County


Mercaz Ha Rav Kook, Jerusalem.

Chafetz Chaim, LA – Jerusalem.

Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim, NY.

Chaim Berlin, NY,

Bet El Yeshiva, Bet El, Israel

Ahavas Torah, Jerusalem

Martial Arts Ranks and Certification